Some good information from the Doris Day Foundation. There is a link where you can submit a letter to your representative, asking them to cosponsor the Antifreeze Safety Act when it is reintroduced in the 109th Congress. See here
Here is a Safety sheet they also put out. I think it is good information.
If you are feeling generous, please donate. It's a great cause.
The Issue:
Hundreds of children and thousands of animals (including companion animals and endangered species) are accidentally poisoned each year from ingesting antifreeze. Its sweet taste attracts them, but less than a teaspoonful can be fatal. Several federal laws classify it as a hazardous substance.
Children and animals come into contact with it through containers that are not tightly sealed or are discarded carelessly, leaks on driveways and in garages, and spills along the road. Dogs have been known to chew through the containers to get at the antifreeze.
The Solution:
Many of these tragedies could be prevented if just a few drops of an innocuous bittering agent called denatonium benzoate were added to the antifreeze. Unfortunately, the manufacturers of ethylene glycol antifreeze have not taken this simple, life-saving step on their own, even though they themselves acknowledge that it would cost very little to do!
The Antifreeze Safety Act would require that engine coolant/antifreeze that is more than 10 percent ethylene glycol must also contain denatonium benzoate, the world’s bitterest known substance, to render it unpalatable. This legislation will help save countless animal lives and reduce the number of childhood emergencies.
What You Can Do:
Ask your representative to cosponsor the Antifreeze Safety Act when it is reintroduced to help prevent accidental poisonings of companion animals and children. You can reach your federal legislators through the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Or visit DDAL’s Web site to send an Action Letter directly to Members of Congress.
The Children’s Defense Fund, World Wildlife Fund, Consumers Union, Pet Food Institute, U.S. Conference of Mayors, Natural Resources Defense Council and the American Veterinary Medical Association have all endorsed this bill. The American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Association of Poison Control Centers, the American Medical Association, the National Safety Council and the American Journal of Public Health all recommend adding an aversive agent to antifreeze.
Doris Day Animal League
Suite 100, 227 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20002
P 202-546-1761 • F 202-546-2193 • •
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