Friday, February 04, 2005

Kids Back Antifreeze Bills to Protect Pets

Woke up this morning to wonderful news!!! Some movement on the Legislative side.

For a number of years, people across the States have been taking action and voicing their opinions regarding the sweet tasting, but also very harmful product, antifreeze. In particular, in 2003, a dog named Scooby, had to be euthanized after ingesting a small amount of antifreeze. As you may be aware, a small amount of ethylene glycol (main ingredient of anitfreeze) kills a number of pets each year. Not a pretty site.

If you want to read "Kids back Anitfreeze bill to protect pets", please do so at

Lets hope that "Scooby's" law is introduced soon Federally, to reduce the number of poisonings occuring each year.